Moth to a Flame

I am certainly smarter than myself
for I have observed what I’ve just written
and know better:

Oh – foolish, naive, pen-in-hand scribbler self!

I would abruptly abridge myself
if I did not so often catch myself by surprise.

Just when I think I’ve pinned myself down,
I sprout wings and flutter out of reach.

Copyright 2011 by Michael Marsters.
All rights reserved.


  1. I love this. It has such a lightness of touch, but perfectly expresses how we can surprise ourselves. Who knows what the pen or keyboard will produce? The last line is perfect. I tweeted this poem.


  2. Love each line, especially, the last two, Michael! A mirror to my thoughts each time one of my haiku, haibun or any other poem ‘writes itself’ as if I wasn’t it! Yes, I did ‘congratulate the’haibun’ for its ‘writing prowess’…Thanks hugely!


Your thoughts are welcomed and appreciated.