Youthful Idealism

Boyish charm;
Boyish naivetee’ . . .

Something in the air was syrupy
As if the oxygen within could not remain
Unless affixed by a sweetened adhesive.
Nevertheless, my lungs filled and expelled.

And I understood you to be here too,
Amongst the clutter, although I spent my time,
Per plan, gathering the rest of your worldly
Possessions in cardboard boxes.

. . . All this scenery, so recently hidden,
Exposed, so casually forgotten:

It wasn’t the build up to these superfluous
Ideals but the wide open possibilities . . .

Copyright 2013 by Michael Marsters.
All rights reserved.

Note: This poem was partially inspired by
the book Heavier Than Heaven, a biography
of the late Kurt Cobain.


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