About Me

Contemplative Moorings is a place for me to offer my poetic musings, short stories, and philosophical ramblings. I don’t have a lot of expectations for this blog other than to provide an outlet for ideas that I would like to share with the world but likely have no broad appeal to the reading public. However, if you are a writer, an avid reader or an amateur philosopher yourself, I hope will find something to like here.

My name is Michael S. Marsters. I’m an amateur poet and an almost-author of a novel. In addition to WordPress you can follow me/friend me/contact me at the following places–

Email: mmwrits@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/duritobance
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4563505.Michael_Marsters
Twitter: @mutesarcasm


  1. I said this is one of your posts as I’ve begun to visit through them, but will again here–Thank you for subscribing to my blog. I’m very appreciative of your interest in my work. And I’m looking forward to catching up and continuing to follow yours!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You are correct in your assessment of the freshly pressed. I agree with your comment on the other blog. I found it funny that she reblogged me and added me to that list… when I have never been freshly pressed. She either missread or intentionally did not read my post, but assumed I had been from my numbers. You do not need to be Freshly pressed to get followers. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I liked how you said your blog will likely have no broad appeal 🙂 That’s exactly how I feel about my blog with life, philosophy and poems … I treasure the space as an outlet for my writing! I am curious to explore your site, and hope you do mine!


Your thoughts are welcomed and appreciated.