Hiking and Stuff

There are a lot of good trail systems in the Puget Sound area, and given that we finally had some really good weather after a long, freezing winter, I recently partook of them while snapping a few photos along the way. The first picture I took is of Gilman Boulevard in Issaquah, a quiet town surrounded by some exquisite feats of nature.


I didn’t get any great pics on the nearby trails and missed the opportunity to snap one of a deer that crossed no more than fifteen feet in front of me at one point. (My camera was buried in my back pack by then.) But I got a couple of decent shots.




Afterwards I lounged a bit on the shore of Lake Sammamish, one of the nicer lakes in the area.




Later in the week I spent some time on the Centennial Trail which I didn’t get any good shots of. But did get some good pics in Snohomish, a small town at the end of the trail. Another nice place to visit because in some places it’s like going back to a different era. The bridges there especially evoke a sense of history.

Snohomish River Bridge

Railroad Bridge Snohomish 2

Railroad Bridge Snohomish

I also got a nice shot of Blackman’s Lake in Snohomish.

Blackman's Lake

Further north in the suburb of Marysville, I had a nice walk along the Ebey Slough which connects with the Qwuloolt Wetlands.

Brambles on Ebey Slough

Mt View on Ebey

Qwuloolt Wetlands 2

Qwuloolt Wetlands

And last but not least, a little treat for those of you who have stuck with this post to the end. A bit of graffiti along side the Snohomish River that cracked me up.

Snohomish River Grafitti

If you can’t read it, it says: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, write it on a wall.” Happy trails!


Your thoughts are welcomed and appreciated.