Love Runs

Love runs longer than any river bed
            could abide its waters
on their fastidious sojourn.

Down by the shoreline,
            I am narrow
and visible to you, yet
            I am weightier
in the invisible moments.

I, scholar and elector of truths, know
you, hearts and attentiveness:
            We are the same
but divided . . .

I haven’t lately watched your footsteps,
            your momentum shaking the leaves
and the brush as you hurtle
            through your being.

So, what I am is not enough,
            just a distant shore
on the world’s girth that Autumn
            and its cold fire
will not touch.

. . . Then tomorrow and tomorrow
            and tomorrow.

The only way to gone is here,
            and arrival is distant.
I want to be indistinct, everywhere,
            potential undiluted.
Yet, that’s also nothingness.

Ask the generous: you must be who
            you must be,
whether in morsels or cascading.

. . . from their gnarled roots on the banks,
            clinging in the nests of hope,
exposed to the winsome air:

We ripen differently. The giants are
            all around us as
we grow, as we swim through it:

Beyond the end of us . . .

Your thoughts are welcomed and appreciated.